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Our goal is to give you the best show possible. To accomplish this, appropriate staging and sound are very important and will ensure a top-quality show.


When possible Gary will provide for his own sound and lighting needs at no extra charge to you. Depending on room conditions, his PA system will be adequate for groups up to 500. You or your host facility will need to furnish a stage or riser (approximately 8 ft. deep by 12 ft. wide by 16 inches high) which will be appropriate for most groups. When performing for audiences over 500 people, the stage should be approximatley 3 feet high.



Set Up & Staging Requirements

for the Performance of

Gary Brodeur, Comedian-Ventriloquist



Staging Requirements



A stage or 16 inch high riser is highly recommended for groups larger than 100 people. For audiences exceeding 500 people, the stage must be at least 3 feet high. The minimum size should be 8 feet deepby 12 feet wide with steps provided on at least one side of the stage (not in the front or rear).



It is strongly recommended the audience be as close to the stage as possible (approx. 5 feet recommended for front tables). If a dance floor is in front of the stage, please fill that area with chairs and tables so the audience can be as close as possible to the presentation. no one should be seated behind or directly to the side of Mr. Brodeur during the performance. SEE STAGE & ROOM LAYOUT PAGE.


Sound Requirements


Main Sound

Please provide a quality P.A. sound system. This is one of the most important factors in ensuring a successful show. HOUSE SOUND SYSTEMS IN HOTEL BALLROOMS ARE UNACCEPTABLE. A SEPARATE SYSTEM MUST BE PROVIDED.



A stage monitor speaker should be provided if audience size is 300 or larger.



A free standing microphone (no lectern) with microphone stand is required (cabled mic not RF). The microphone should be able to be removed from the stand and replaced easily. A sponsor provided sound system is preferred. If a quality sound system is not available, please let us know well in advance. A sound system will need to be rented or Mr. Brodeur can make arrangements to bring his own system (only if he is driving to your event) which is adequate for up to 300 people.


Lighting Requirements


Stage Lighting

A well lighted stage is required. A general stage wash using can lights, either ceiling mounted or on light trees, is best. 600 watt, Par 64’s (2 on each light tree) with dimming capabilities is preferred. No ERS spotlights or conventional spots please. There should be no shadows on the performer. SEE STAGE AND ROOM LAYOUT above for lighting placement.



House lights should be dimmed slightly during the performance with the stage area under bright lights. In the event no stage lighting is available, please rent supplemental stage lighting. Exception: If driving to your event, Mr. Brodeur can provide stage lighting at no extra cost.


Other Considerations


Audience Participation

Mr. Brodeur will need the names of 4 or 5 audience members (mostly men) at least 30 minutes prior to his presentation. These individuals should not be informed (in order to maintain a spontaneous atmosphere).


Start of Performance

Guests should be finished eating prior to the start of Mr. Brodeur’s show. Also, please have all wait staff stop activity at this time. If you are having presentations, speeches or other business please do those activities following Mr. Brodeur’s performance.



No portion of the performance may be recorded without Mr. Brodeur’s specific consent.


**If you desire, Mr. Brodeur will contact the facilities coordinator where you’re event is being held to arrange for his setup needs. Simply provide Mr. Brodeur with the coordinator’s name and phone number 1 month prior to the engagement.**





© 2023 Gary Brodeur       All Rights Reserved

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